On 07/03/17 04:55, Thilo Haug wrote:

I (accidentally) unsubscribed because of the "spam" coming in,
means I didn't get just messages regarding the topic.

Thilo, perhaps thats the underlying problem here ? You read the rules on the wiki, complied with what you understood and now, I guess feel as if you are being treated a bit unfairly ? However, I doubt that any proposal has succeeded where the proposer has not been a member of this list, been actively reading the messages at least and probably been contributing as well.

The truth is that not all the "rules" are on the wiki, there is a huge quantity of community knowledge, not actual rules, and much of it is accessible via this list. We have a large number of very experienced database, rendering, mapping, cultural experts who live here (no, I'm not one!). They comment on a proposal and help a proposal comply with the OSM culture. Their "rules" are not written down as the document would run to 100's pages and we'd never agree on the content. Written rules have to cover every possible situation. Too hard.

This list is very welcoming, always open to new ideas and not, in any way, locked into particular policies. Within the list you will find widely differing views but always respect for others.

To solve your problem Thilo, you could do a number of things. Firstly, tags in OSM do not need be approved. I, personally don't recommend unapproved tags but lots will disagree with me. Alternatively, its relatively easy to put your own data, as an overlay, onto an OSM map. Keep you data privately or put it into one of the public POI databases. But really, I strongly recommend you keep trying as you are, refine and improve your proposal with the help of the mailing list, understand why OSM "rules" are what they are. You can then make a good tag, one that can be used around the world and rendered on lots of maps.

By the way, I would not recommend the digest approach, I found it harder to assign time to. Digest users, when replying, often seem to forget to change the message title and are not always taken seriously :-)


Am 06.03.2017 um 18:09 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

2017-03-06 17:46 GMT+01:00 Michael Reichert <naka...@gmx.net <mailto:naka...@gmx.net>>:

    Hi Martin and others,

    Am 2017-03-06 um 17:37 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
    > yes, that wording is unfortunate, because in most/many OSM
    mailing lists
    > messages never get approved. I am myself admin of a very small
    regional ML
    > and from time to time there are periods where a lot of spam
    arrives, I can
    > imagine checking held back messages in the big lists would be a
    lot of work
    > (and mostly consist in rejecting spam). You would also have to
    do it daily,
    > because after some time many messages will seem out of context.

    I have changed the wording of the wiki page Proposal_Process today to
    stress the necessity to subscribe the Tagging mailing list. Feel
    free to
    modify/revert it if you don't like it.

As you name me in person: I was not referring to the wording in the wiki but the wording of the mailing list autoresponder message in case someone not subscribed sends a message (and from the reply might get to the impression that it will pass, which it in fact almost never does for any of the OSM lists).


Tagging mailing list


Thilo Haug
72764 Reutlingen

Mobil: +49 177 3185856

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