On 14-Feb-17 01:30 AM, John Willis wrote:


On Feb 13, 2017, at 3:10 PM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com <mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>> wrote:

laundry:top_loading:1_load=20 (if 'load' can be found as a size .. somewhere?)






Uhh... sidewasher was my stupidity.
Front loader is the correct term.

All the US residential top-loading washing machines and the old laundromat ones I have seen I have seen all have agitators, the thing that sticks up in the center.

Most of the residential washers in Japan do not. Their drum is too narrow (40cm?) To have an agitator. The bottom of the drum spins (a very weak agitator), but there is no true column agitator.


Some people want an agitator machine for washing heavily soiled clothes or cleaning cloths, so some laundromats have a single top-loading agitator in the corner here.

Maybe they are common throughout the world, but such it was the first time I have seen a small and agitator-free washing machine.

I think I had one 'agitator' machine that not only had a rotating central column but the drum too moved.. lots of things to ware out. Replaced with a front loader .. my cloths last a lot longer. Not all agitators are central columns .. the hover twin tub has the agitator on a wall. These are popular where water is in short supply as the spin tub waste water can be put back into the wash tub thus saving water.

So I think the top loading/front loading should be a tag that can be used. Then if wanted further details on the machine could be detailed? Personally ... I am usually just looking for a washing machine .. any washing machine to get the mud off!

Since there are varying styles of machines, and some are common one place and absent others, then I would like to tag them differently. And the idea of separating capacity seems good too. I suggest supporting the three common methods (kg/load/volume) because people will have no idea how to tag, interpret or understand the information. People tagging or looking for "load" won't know what a KG of laundry is.

Mappers can enter miles instead of kilometres .. so they too should be able to enter the units they have into the capacity of the laundry machine.
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