On 13-Feb-17 10:29 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2017-02-13 11:50 GMT+01:00 Volker Schmidt <vosc...@gmail.com <mailto:vosc...@gmail.com>>:

    I don't think that mapping the capacity of washing machines in
    campsite laundry facilities is data that is useful in OSM. It's
    difficult to establish in the first place and the data is very
    perishable. The machines have a very limited life span. Data
    maintenance will be a serious problem.

industrial quality washing machines have an extended life span compared to home machines, as they are still built to be serviced, while home machines are built to be thrown away or have complex components replaced (instead of disassembling into small parts and replace only what has failed). Data maintance is possible for every kind of data, but it will done only for those data where people are interested in, if people are interested in tagging the details of washing machine availability, why not (I'd prefer to have these extended details on the laundry room, not on the whole campsite).

Usually the replacement machine would be of a similar size (other wise it won't fit the space).

If there is no suggested method of tagging it then mappers will use their own individual method to tag it and this leads to all sorts of problems.
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