On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 12:53 AM, John Willis <jo...@mac.com> wrote:

> > On Feb 17, 2017, at 1:51 PM, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I guess the preferred unit will depend on the country where you are
> mapping.
> I would prefer drum volume (as it is actually measureable), but the units
> that are mapped most often will probably KG/LB/loads

Drum volumes are very different between front-loaders and top-loaders that
will wash the same loads.

In any case,  since I have laundry equipment at home, what I'm usually
searching for is "laundromat with a large-capacity front-loading machine" -
since that's what I'll need for a sleeping bag or a down-filled duvet. The
idea that the "large capacity" machine may be rated for a nominal "12 kg"
is ridiculous, since my summer sleeping bags weighs less than a kg dry, and
the winter one about 1.5 kg, but the volumes of a top-loading "standard
capacity" (6 kg?) machine and a front-loading "large capacity" machine
don't compare directly either. I'm not sure, given our data model, how I'd
state such a query. (Today, I ask Google. :P)

By the way, it must be a front-loader. Never, ever wash a lightweight down
sleeping bag in a top-loader - that's just begging to tear the baffles.
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