Greg Troxel wrote:
> I more or less agree, from the US point of view, except that
> highway=residential has a meaning of something that is 
> legally a road.
highway=residential in the US _largely_ has the meaning "this was imported
from TIGER feature code A41 and hasn't been changed". One import - albeit a
fairly massive one :) - isn't in itself a reason to strike out on a
different way of tagging from the rest of the developed world.

> The real bug here is that we need to fix the tagging system to 
> make clear legal status and type vs. physical condition.

The tagging system already does that. You have the access=* tags, operator=*
tags, and designation=* tags for the former; and you have surface=*,
tracktype=*, lanes=* etc. for the latter. highway=* is a broad overview
covering the road's importance - it isn't intended to encapsulate absolutely
everything about a road in one magic value.


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