My parents house is in a pretty rural part of Arizona and distinguishing 
between tracks and driveways or even residential roads can be difficult there. 
So my initial instinct was to say leave the ways in that part of Colorado as 
tracks as it can be hard to tell on the imagery.

But looking at the satellite imagery in the area you linked, they clearly look 
like unpaved residential roads and dirt driveways.

I’d leave the driveways in but change the tagging to:


For the roads, clearly wider and serving multiple houses in the satellite 
imagery and with names showing in the 2015 Tiger imagery, I’d tag them as

name=(whatever the Tiger 2015 imagery says)

Adding the buildings the driveways lead to would be a nice touch but add to 
your work load.


> On Jan 7, 2016, at 2:15 PM, Mike Thompson <> wrote:
> I am editing in Colorado, US in a rural part of the state. I do have first 
> hand knowledge of the area. It looks like someone has gone through and 
> changed many ways tagged "highway = residential" to "highway = track."  For 
> example:
> <>
> Although these are gravel surfaced roads (not yet tagged that way, but 
> physically that is what they are), the ones in question provide access to two 
> or more homes and/or ranches.  To me these are not "tracks" but 
> "residential." Before I change these back, I wanted to check with the 
> community.
> Also, I would like your opinion on driveways (if they are mapped at all). My 
> understanding is that they (at least the part between the public road and the 
> house) should be tagged highway=service, service=driveway, access=private and 
> not highway=track. 
> Mike 
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