* Tod Fitch <t...@fitchdesign.com> [160107 23:35]:
> My parents house is in a pretty rural part of Arizona and distinguishing 
> between tracks and driveways or even residential roads can be difficult 
> there. So my initial instinct was to say leave the ways in that part of 
> Colorado as tracks as it can be hard to tell on the imagery.

> But looking at the satellite imagery in the area you linked, they clearly 
> look like unpaved residential roads and dirt driveways.

> I’d leave the driveways in but change the tagging to:

> highway=service
> service=driveway
> surface=unpaved
> access=private

I would do almost the same, but would leave out the access=private,
as this is difficult to determine from the aerial imagery, and is
implied for service=driveway anyway.

> For the roads, clearly wider and serving multiple houses in the satellite 
> imagery and with names showing in the 2015 Tiger imagery, I’d tag them as

> highway=residential
> surface=unpaved
> name=(whatever the Tiger 2015 imagery says)

I would use highway=unclassified instead of residential as long as we
are not inside a settlement; the implied rules like default speed limits
tend to be different for inner-town roads and these rural roads and the
tagging should distinguish between these types of road as well.


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