2016-01-08 11:41 GMT+01:00 Gerd Petermann <gpetermann_muenc...@hotmail.com>:

> ramp:wheelchair=yes

good finding, why not use this together with highway=footway?
It's used more than 2300 times:

but the typical steps are too steep for wheelchair ramps, so those are
> normally
> additional - longer and less steeper - ways.


> As I said before, most of those ways are not only for wheelchairs, also for
> strollers
> or delivery of goods.
> Maybe highway=service,service=ramp would be better than highway=footway?

no, they are almost never suitable for 2-tracked vehicles (too narrow), so
highway=service would be a mistagging. You can't deliver goods with a
vehicle typically. They are of course used by everyone who finds it more
comfy to avoid the steps, but the raison d'ĂȘtre are wheelchairs (and also
the parameters use to design the standards).

Of course there are also delivery ramps, but these aren't wheelchair ramps
(but could make the latter unnecessary). Those would best be tagged as
service (and maybe service=driveway).

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