On Fri Jan 8 10:41:35 2016 GMT, Gerd Petermann wrote:

> Good points. 
> We already have the tag ramp=* for ramps along highway=steps:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:ramp
> and it has a special 
> ramp:wheelchair=yes
> but the typical steps are too steep for wheelchair ramps, so those are
> normally 
> additional - longer and less steeper - ways. 
> As I said before, most of those ways are not only for wheelchairs, also for
> strollers
What is a stroller?

> or delivery of goods.
> Maybe highway=service,service=ramp would be better than highway=footway?
They are also used by prams and pushchairs, mobility scooters  and I use them 
when I drag my wheeled suitcase to the station.

Actually seeing  manual wheelchairs outdoors is very rare, mobility scooters on 
the other hand are very common.

 The ramps are often textured so that visually handicapped people can tell that 
it is a crossing and if its controlled or not.

Phil (trigpoint)
Sent from my Jolla
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