On 11/11/2015 11:24 AM, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 4:24 AM, moltonel 3x Combo <molto...@gmail.com
<mailto:molto...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I don't see how a name change will help.
amenity=bicycle_repair_station and service:bycicle:repair=yes are
rather self-explanatory and well defined as far as I can tell.
Abandoning a tag because some large contributor misuses it isn't going
to improve the state of the database. Contact the ill-advised
contributors to make them understand the issue and fix objects which
got the wrong tag, but don't move a well-established tag to a new name
just to make cleaning up easyer.
If it were just one or two, I'd agree.
The problem is more distributed, and concentrated in non-English areas
of mapping.
Note that I "invented" this tag in the first place, so feel a
responsibility to fix it.
I've left a number of notes or changeset comments and just feel it's
playing whack-a-mole.
Is theOSMwiki page for amenity=bicycle_repair_station available in
'their' language?
I note that basic pages are done for German, Russian and Japanese ...
No matter what new name is chosen .. there will still be misuse of it.
I'm presently trying to resolve the basketball, volleyball and netball
confusion ... as in these can be easily confused by armchair mappers.
But I think that I must accept that there will be errors.
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