On 10/11/2015, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What ambiguity of repair_station would be cleared by tool_stand or
>> tool_station ?
> it is the word "station" that could be interpreted as a shop / service
> station. "stand" does not bear this risk (for me). "tool_station" would be
> similarly ambiguous.

I don't think the possible confusion with a service station is an
issue: plenty of them are unmaned. Or are you worried about the
assumption that one is free and not the other ? Also: to me a "stand"
sounds much more likely to be maned than a "station".

We're not going to get a unanimous opinion on wether
stand/station/repair/tool matches the maned/unmaned/free/commercial
concepts,  the link is too tenous. To me so far there's no clear
benefit in those alternate tags, to be weighted against the clear
downside of migrating away from an existing tag.

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