On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 6:41 PM, Bryce Nesbitt <bry...@obviously.com> wrote:

> amenity=bicycle_repair_station has a problem: it's attracting lots of
> active tagging
> of shops offering bicycle repair.  For example:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3772809894
> and http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/337421757
> That was not the intent.  amenity=bicycle_repair_station was meant for
> unattended
> tool stands, often outdoors, often 24/7, generally public.
> I'm seeking support for a mechanical edit to a new tag name.
> There are known automated clients of this tag, and I am in contact with
> both.

I've found a couple of these. One was exactly where the node was placed.
The other, in Omaha, was a substantial ways away. And I still have found
any of the four at the University of Washington in Seattle. I'm concerned
that the locations are not accurate enough to have a bot add a node. I'll
be on campus next week. If it isn't raining, I'll look again. Now that I've
seen a couple of the repair stations maybe I can spot these.

We are also in conversation with a state wide cycling group to do an OSM
presentation in 2016. I can certainly bring it up then.

If the mechanical edit only touches existing nodes, then I think you should


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