In Japan and Korea, do you tend to have isolated farmhouses, each on its own farm (the most common pattern in the USA), or do the farmers tend to settle in villages, from which they travel out to their farms (the traditional European format)? Another pattern in the US, among small communities that have grown up since the invention of automobiles, is settlements strung out along a highway, several miles long, but one-dimensional, with farmland behind both rows of houses. These patterns make the residential-vs.-tertiary-vs.-service roads a bit ambiguous.

John F. Eldredge --
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

On July 12, 2015 8:24:18 PM Andrew Errington <> wrote:

This is the same in Korea.  Tagging the roads based on their physical
characteristics (such as roadsign type, and with or without centre lines)
is an excellent way to avoid subjective judgements.  Roads that go
somewhere, but have no painted line, are unclassified.  These roads we are
talking about in Japan (and Korea) are not highway=unclassified, and they
are definitely not tracks.


On 13 July 2015 at 08:08, John Willis <> wrote:

> > On Jul 12, 2015, at 10:34 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Maybe you have to raise your current unclassified roads to tertiary to
> make room for these roads in question?
> Japan tagging rules (on the wiki) states only roads with a painted center
> line can be tagged tertiary. Japan has a more rigid and administrative
> definitions for all roads tertiary and up.
> PS : where are alleys in your statement? They are clearly under
> unclassified.
> Javbw
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