Note that just because you can collect some data, does not make it a good
idea to put in OSM.  Maintenance is harder than collection: and who's going
to go back three years after the HOT event and clean up?

Keep in mind this tagging mailing list is a tiny and non-representative
slice of OSM mappers.

If the only bridge for 50km is out, then what you really need involves
using tags that are recognized by rendering and routing software.  Now you
don't need cooperation from nearly as many routing or rendering teams to
have useful impact. For example:



lastcheck:note=The entire bridge is glowing green, should not be used.


The good thing here is that naive routing software would skip the route,
but smart software could count damage as a warning.  For example a trip
planner might return:

    Route 1: 500km via Highway 12
    Route 2: 100km via Highway 3  (*Warning* uses 3 road segments marked as
damaged as recently as 2016-01-01).

There's also a line between "damaged" and "disused".  For example:





lastcheck:note=The entire bridge was lifted into space by aliens.  Use dirt
road instead.


Which hides the feature from nearly all automated processing, without
actually removing it from the database.
Quite often a damaged feature will turn into a ruin or a disused feature.
At some point it's appropriate to remove it from
the map, which the disused namespace effectively does.

There's a lot of similarity between this "damage" set of tagging, and
tagging for "last field checked".  The field check data has been used for water
fountains, toilets and AEDs.  As with damage, multiple people have
approached the last checked concept over the years, but no tagging method
has really stuck.

The damage concept may get more traction if it applies not just to a *HOT*
worldview, but also to anything a field mapper might find
broken or in need or repair in the world.
See also:
Tagging mailing list

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