I don't know Andreas, do we need to say what kind of event it is?
I would lean toward damage:type=hurricane|earthquake|etc
or event:type=hurricane|earthquake|etc
But this actually brings up an issue that we ran into in Nepal.
How do identify the event (and maybe event type) independent of any of tags.
Because we want to map IDP camps, but we want to associate them to the
specific event was well.
damage:event=* seems like it is for damage tags only.
unless you think of it as a "damage event", meaning an event that does
damage. so maybe the key name should be damage_event= in that case.
But that was not what we were thinking when we suggested damage:event,
we were thinking it meant the event that was associated with the other
damage tags.
We need to figure out how best to take different types of tags, damage
tags, camp tags, potential landing zone tags and associate them with a
disaster event so we can review, revise and remove them later.
Maybe disaster?
etc ?
On 5/21/2015 9:36 PM, Andreas Goss wrote:
As you linked to this on the HOT list a few things noticed...
What about the typhoon:, earthquake: or tsunami: tags? Replaced with
What about e.g. damage:building? This could still be used even if you
have building= and damage=
What about the status= and impassable= keys and tags?
Greetings everyone,
I am looking to help further develop a set of tags to reflect disaster
event damage to mapped objects in OSM. OSM has already used damage
tags in the past several times for example after Typhoon Haiyan:
And after the 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami
And in Haiti
I have read feedback about issues related to those tags and would like
to generate a set of tags that address that feedback. The main
feedback I saw was that the damage tags need to be separated from the
main object tags themselves (building=*, natural=*, highway=*, etc)
and they need to be easily removed after the damage is resolved or the
event is over.
Toward that end this is what myself and some other more experiences
mappers have come up with. We think it addresses those issues and
improves damage tagging in general. We would like community feedback
to help improve them before creating a wiki proposal page. Our over
arching goal of course is to create the most useful set of tags
possible. We are also going to reach out to some humanitarian
organizations to get feedback about their damage assessment data
models and hopefully use that to make improvements as well.
I know there are other people interested in this topic as well so if
anyone has complete alternative suggested schemas that would be great
Any and all feedback and discussion is most welcome.
Tagging Schema
1. Separate feature/object from damage tag itself
2. Identify event the damage tag is related to for analysis and easily
removing them later
3. Allow for assessed and revised indication
4. Specify type/source of assessment
5. Easy to enter, remember, understand for mappers
6. Works well with overpass/overpass-turbo queries
7. Relatively easy for routing software to work with
8. Most similar to existing OSM tagging schemas
9. Allow for initial or revised damage assessment based on ground survey
For any area or node (buildings, amenities, landuse, natural, etc)
damage=[none | partial | major | destroyed]
damage:assessment=[none | initial | revision]
source:damage=[satellite | aerial | survey]
For ways (highways)
These are the same as above, but we add a damage specific key
damage:smoothness and use the values from the existing smoothness key
values (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:smoothness). Routing
software would look for the damage:smoothness=* key and if present use
that value over the explicit or implicit smoothness=* value. When the
damage tags are removed, routing would return to pre-event status
damage=[none | partial | major | destroyed]
damage:smoothness=[excellent | good | bad | horrible | impassable]
damage:assessment=[none | initial | revision]
source:damage=[satellite | aerial | survey]
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