> On Mar 3, 2015, at 2:15 AM, John F. Eldredge <j...@jfeldredge.com> wrote:
> Speaking from an American point of view, I tend to think of "hiking" as a 
> wilderness, or at least rural, activity. In an urban setting, I would likely 
> refer to "walking".


Hiking is a form of leisure for people - to go hiking in a wilderness reserve 
or something. It's big brother is trekking or backpacking - also done for 
leisure in the wilderness. It may next to a suburban setting ( wilderness 
reserve parks in Southern CA) or even an urban setting ( cutting over a small 
mountain to get to another part of the city, which does happen here in Japan). 
- but usually anything with a slope, a rough path, and something that doesn't 
look like a sidewalk is a path, instead of a footpath, and would involve 

I would never include them in walking routes to get to A To B

Walking, from an OSM view, is something related to transportation or commuting 
- to get from A to B, or for leisure/tourism on maintained walkways where 
special footwear and a hiking staff is unnecessary.

> -- 
> John F. Eldredge -- j...@jfeldredge.com
> "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot 
> drive out hate; only love can do that." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Great quote!

>> On March 2, 2015 5:45:13 AM moltonel 3x Combo <molto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 01/03/2015, fly <lowfligh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> > I just say, that out of the 25,000 objects tagged with route=foot over
>> > 21,000 have been tagged either network=lwn or network=rwn and would be
>> > better tagged route=hiking as that is the route type for hiking routes.
>> >
>> > In general, I do not like route=foot but I sustain the description on
>> > the German wiki page and the little passage at the beginning of the
>> > second table on the English wiki page of route=hiking.
>> I think that's where the language nuance comes in. To me, "hiking" is
>> a special variant of "walking". Something linked to sport, or love of
>> the outdoors. In contrast, route=foot looks like it caters to more
>> "utilitarian" reasons, where walking is the mean but not the goal.
>> The most obvious example being tourist trails to see the attractions
>> of a city. Tourists would rather do as little walking as possible to
>> see the different POIs. And it's perfectly reasonable for those routes
>> to have a network=*. In fact, I'd find any route relation with neither
>> network=* nor operator=* a bit suspicious.
>> To sum it up: I feel there's a usefull distinction between route=foot
>> and route=hiking, they don't have to be merged. However, that
>> distinction could (as always) do with better documentation.
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