I would see it as
then another node - they would be at different places other why separate
For example... This reuses the fee= key .. together with its sub tags.
And you can have other keys that already exist .. like opening_ hours
etc etc.
Now you vote on the key waste_collection=
Later you vote on the value waste_collection=glass .. and another vote
on waste_collection=paper etc etc.
This minimises distractions from the proposal, keeps it simple and easy
to see what problems there may be and deal with them.
On 22/02/2015 6:26 PM, Marc Gemis wrote:
Maybe we have to be able to specify per type whether it is waste or
recycling and whether you have to pay for it or not.
e.g. for the "containerparks" (that's how we call them here in Flanders)
the values are not good, but maybe you can come up with something better.
On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 12:48 AM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com
<mailto:61sundow...@gmail.com>> wrote:
On 22/02/2015 9:55 AM, Marc Gemis wrote:
I see no need to replace the recycling scheme, sorry.
Ok ... do you see a need to have a key waste_collection= at all?
Or should OSM continue to have amenity= values made for each kind
of waste collection point? Thoughts?
There is no way to exclude or to include recycling in the key
waste_collection= ... unless it become even larger such as key
waste_collection_recycling= key waste_collection_non_recycling= .
Do remember that the tag values I have given (_as in one person!_)
are _suggested values_ .. each value should have its own proposal
.. and discussion. Including the recycling issue IF it is accepted
as a key.
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