On 21/02/2015 2:43 PM, David Bannon wrote:
Warin (and Bryce), would it be appropriate to cross reference this
proposal with the one for amenity=sanitary_dump_station ??

They clearly relate to each other and voters may need to consider both.

I consider those that vote against either .. would/should be inclined to vote for the other? To otherwise means that a 'sanitary dump station' should not be mapped.

Should it be documented how to handle a situation if both get up ?
While Bryce's proposal covers a small subset of waste_collection=, it
could be approved before the corresponding tag for waste_collection is.
If waste_collection= gets the go ahead then further proposals would follow .. some of them would be proposals that would depreciate/replace tags presently in use. That could include sanitary_dump_station.

I'll add something appropriate to waste_collection ... in the voting section?
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