Having a landuse for “religion” seems simple to understand, simple to
implement, and simple to parse when thinking of the facility as a single
thing with many amenities - like a mall, office complex, or another large
establishment that handles lots of visitors visitors and offers them

I like landuse=religious and use it frequently. In fact, I would use it
more often except that we can't seem to come to an agreement about its
validity. Here in Thailand practically every wat (temple) is surrounded by
a wall and the area thus enclosed is easy to see in aerials and easy to
tag. It makes perfect sense to tag such areas with a landuse, just as we do
for a mall, commercial, industrial, or retail landuses.

On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 8:24 AM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  On 14/02/2015 1:51 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> 2015-01-03 16:28 GMT+01:00 Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com>:
>> Landuse=religious AFAIK started being used for land that is owned by a
>> religious entity, and in it there would be schools, playgrounds, priest
>> living grounds, and so on. Then this was disputed
>  +1, "religious" really isn't a _landuse_ in these cases, they seem
> perfect examples where a tag religion=* would do the trick and no new tag
> would be needed.
>  cheers,
> Martin
> What 'landuse' would you say it is? It does not fit in any of the values
> given on the wiki
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:landuse
> There are over 2,900 tagged landuse=religious currently. as shown by the
> taginfo.
> This is more than the values  'churchyard', park, wasteland, harbour... so
> the mappers are using it. Probably because it make sense to them.
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Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at http://dswarthout.blogspot.com
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