On 14/02/2015 1:51 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2015-01-03 16:28 GMT+01:00 Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com <mailto:jan...@gmail.com>>:

    Landuse=religious AFAIK started being used for land that is owned
    by a religious entity, and in it there would be schools,
    playgrounds, priest living grounds, and so on. Then this was disputed

+1, "religious" really isn't a _landuse_ in these cases, they seem perfect examples where a tag religion=* would do the trick and no new tag would be needed.


What 'landuse' would you say it is? It does not fit in any of the values given on the wiki

There are over 2,900 tagged landuse=religious currently. as shown by the taginfo.

This is more than the values 'churchyard', park, wasteland, harbour... so the mappers are using it. Probably because it make sense to them.
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