Landuse=religious AFAIK started being used for land that is owned by a
religious entity, and in it there would be schools, playgrounds, priest
living grounds, and so on. Then this was disputed, and if this was actually

Some said it should be used for the land around a church, similar to
amenity=school around a building=school. There are parks around temples in
Japan that are sacred and they are being tagged with it.

Anyway, the tag is a bit vague, but I wouldn't say it's too problematic.

2015-01-03 12:02 GMT+01:00 Warin <>:

> On 3/01/2015 4:56 PM, wrote:
>> Date: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 04:45:24 +0100
>> From: Andreas Goss<>
>> Subject: Re: [Tagging] Change of rendering: place of worship and
>>         terminal without building tag
>> Message-ID:<m87okr$iep$>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>>  >landuse=religious
>> Which still nobody knows what it is supposed to be used for...
> I too don't know what it is to be used for. However Australian Aborigines
> have 'sacred sites' that could be tagged that way. Ayres Rock springs to
> mind. One scrared site was vandalised... the road that goes past it has
> been closed for at least 30 years. So the sites are important, but they may
> not want the public to know their location due to the possible vandalism.
> I've come across a site in India that was tagged for a church IIRC .. but
> no building was present.
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