2015-01-28 17:12 GMT+01:00 André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>:

> Speaking of Vatican, i.e. Roman Catholic Church, Mary is Blessed, not
>> Saint. Her title is Beata Virgo Maria (Beata Vergine Maria in Italian,
>> Blessed Virgin Mary in English). She is an unordinary Blessed, as she and
>> her feasts are more important than those of the Saints; anyway, "Saint
>> Mary" is nothing but a popular name :-)
>  Are you sure about this? Because I have heard about "Santissima Madre di
> Dio" (holiest mother of God)
> My reply was of course kidding. That, in Simone's terms, the Vatican use a
> popular language ;-)
> The fact is that in French, we use no such words as "Blessed".

the correct term in French is "bienheureux ou bienheureuse, le qualificatif
donné à une personne qui a été béatifiée"

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