On 25.01.2015 23:30, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
> On 1/26/15, Lukas Sommer <sommer...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> And I think it makes sense to define explicitly some things in the
>> documentation. Things like
>> – use always (or use never) “Saint”: “Saint Paul” vs “Paul”.

That's a good point. In German, there are name variations for many saints,
e.g. Nepomuk = Johannes Nepomuk. There are name variations even for the word
"saint": "Sankt", "St.", "Heiliger", "Hl.", none.

But AFAIK the official dedication for a given church is always a fixed
version of the name. Of course that breaks comparability.

>> – write the name of the dedication always in the local language (Or
>> always in latin? Could become very complicate ;-)

It's the same as with species=*, plant_community=* etc. The values of theses
tags are latin, too. Mappers get used to them quickly. Names in other
languages can be given as species:en=*etc., although the benefit of these
translations remains unclear.

If we use the local language for the value of dedication=*, it's like
name=*. Again there's name:en etc.

So we may think about dedication:<language>=* in any case, but I'm not sure
about the language of dedication=* itself.

>> The clearer these things are defined from the very beginning, the more
>> useful will the tag be.
> If you are going to use the local language in this tag, then the sort
> of GIS queries suggested (most popular saint in a region, etc.) would
> not be possible. In addition, do you tag "Paul" or "Paul the Apostle"
> or "Simon Peter"? Do you tag "Joan" or "Joan of Arc"?
> If this tag is to be useful (assuming it is the sort of thing OSM
> should record), maybe using Wikidata should be considered through an
> additional tag such as dedication:wikidata=Q33923 for Saint Peter
> <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q33923>

I dislike these numbers. They are not human readable, and typos will not be

Can we find out how many distinct dedications do exist? Maybe we can create
a list and then visualize it and get inspiration. That list can subsequently
be used for the dedication=* wiki page.

Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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