On 25/01/2015 5:39 AM, Eric SIBERT wrote:
I wonder if there are enough of them to warrant their own bridge=*,
as there are so many kinds of bridges. I bet we can put a ford tag on
the bridge - it might be a simple solution.
I agree with your suggestion of using boot bridge=yes and ford=yes as
it is usually a bridge but sometime behaves like a ford. I would avoid
flood_prone=yes as it is made to be used when reasonably submerged.
Adding depth=0 (or -0.5 ?) to indicate that the ford aspect is usually
dry. (depth is not really used with bridge=* : 14 over 2400000).
Is a bridge in flood usable? I think not. A ford is supposed to be
usable when wet, but not when flooded. The bridge when wet on the road
surface ... well I'd tend not use it.
If the bridge is not usable in flood I'd tag it flood prone.
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