Thank you Michael for your contribution and clear examples.

2014-12-03 23:14 GMT+01:00 Rainer Fügenstein <>:

> just imagine a city like vienna, drawing one or more man_made=pipeline
> ways parallel to nearly every highway=* - a nightmare, editing-wise.
> in these cases, it would be better to use the already existing
> highway=* way and also tag it as man_made=pipeline. and here we have
> the first name=*, ref=* conflict, only to be solved by prefixes.

I don't agree here.
Mapping two different features with one OSM object shouldn't be done,
especially for a pipeline vs a street

Both don't have the same location (one underground, one IS the ground).
Both don't have the same shape (such a pipeline can cross the street many
times, how would you represent this ?).

... they don't share many properties.

Editing software should adapt to such issues, not the DB.

Then :

name=West 4


*François Lacombe*

fl dot infosreseaux At gmail dot com
@InfosReseaux <>
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