On 24.08.2014 13:31, Christian Quest wrote:
> In that case, how should application resolve housenumbers ?
> What tagging do you propose to allow it ?

I wrote down some thoughts here:
...although I do now prefer addr2:* instead of addr[2]:*, because the former
is more widely used and easier to understand.

Concerning number ranges, I think that they should be mapped as they are
(i.e. ranges), because that's how they are used in the real world (number
plates, addresses in letters, etc.).

> I'm working on the BANO project who aims to create a nationwide address
> database, using in part OSM data.
> I already have to deal with this kind of addr:housenumber=*
> For the moment, 265-269 is transformed into 265 and 269 only, but having
> some tag based clue that we have an odd number range meaning that 267 is
> located at the same place would be a real benefit.

Applications need to incorporate country-specific rules. The wiki already
contains lists of country-specific maxspeeds and access restrictions for
routing, and we probably need a list of country-specific rules for house
numbers as well. E.g. house number ranges mean either either odd oder even
numbers in Austria. In other coutries, a range may stand for both odd and
even numbers.

Given that the BANO project aims for a nationwide database only, your task
seems easy. You probably already know the rules for your country.

Friedrich K. Volkmann       http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

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