2014-02-26 10:23 GMT+01:00 Dave Swarthout <daveswarth...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I've come across something I've never seen before in a new shopping mall
> in Chiang Mai (Thailand). It is a large area inside a multi-storey shopping
> complex that is very similar to a college study hall. It is an enclosed and
> air conditioned area equipped with tables and chairs, desks, couches,
> cushions, even individual glassed in rooms which can be used for meetings
> and conversation.
> There is a coffee shop inside but no purchase is required to use the
> facility. There is free wi-fi with the purchase of food or drinks,
> plentiful electrical outlets for running laptops or charging phones, books
> to be borrowed or exchanged, and it's open 24/7. When I visited it was full
> of people, mostly younger folks, and was quite quiet, like a study hall
> might be in a college.
> It's quite an impressive resource but I can find no way to tag it.  This
> one is named merely "Camp".
> Has anyone seen similar facilities elsewhere?

I have seen spaces like this in university libraries, you also write about
"books to be borrowed or exchanged", maybe it is a kind of library? Maybe
you have to propose a new tag. Could you publish a photo from the place?

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