
I've come across something I've never seen before in a new shopping mall in
Chiang Mai (Thailand). It is a large area inside a multi-storey shopping
complex that is very similar to a college study hall. It is an enclosed and
air conditioned area equipped with tables and chairs, desks, couches,
cushions, even individual glassed in rooms which can be used for meetings
and conversation.

There is a coffee shop inside but no purchase is required to use the
facility. There is free wi-fi with the purchase of food or drinks,
plentiful electrical outlets for running laptops or charging phones, books
to be borrowed or exchanged, and it's open 24/7. When I visited it was full
of people, mostly younger folks, and was quite quiet, like a study hall
might be in a college.

It's quite an impressive resource but I can find no way to tag it.  This
one is named merely "Camp".

Has anyone seen similar facilities elsewhere?

Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at http://dswarthout.blogspot.com
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