2013/11/13 Colin Smale <colin.sm...@xs4all.nl>

> The law in NL says that "cycles" wider than 75cm are not bound by the
> "obligation" to follow the "mandatory cycle track" and are allowed on the
> main carriageway; this includes trikes and some trailers (e.g. for carrying
> windsurfers). So why not tag the main road to reflect the width limit?
> bicycle:minwidth=0.75?

that might fit for the NL, but in Germany the rules are different and more
vague: you must use the cycleway if it runs along a road and is usable and
is going where you are going and you are not encumbering other cyclists
(i.e. big trailer). This is different from a bicycle=no on the road, there
is no explicit minwidth but special conditions (like ice and snow or litter
on the cycleway) might also allow you to use the road.

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