On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 5:43 PM, Peter Wendorff

> I didn't read the documentation for the ranger station tag, but from my
> understanding of language (which is often in fact used for tagging in
> the real osm world) a ranger station does not have to be a visitor
> centre and the other way around: a visitor centre does not have to be a
> ranger station.

There's a balance between a single tag accurately and precisely capturing a
specific real world phenomenon, and maintaining a relatively small and
useful vocabulary of tags. I think it makes sense to limit the number of
top-level tags, and to instead capture those fine details in secondary
tags. If you think a visitor centre is too different from a ranger station,
is there some other broader concept that could include ranger stations and
things like it? What other equivalents exist in other countries?

(In Australia, national park budgets are so low I can barely think of any
that have manned visitor centres, let alone ranger stations where the
public is welcome to drop in. The rangers are usually so overworked they
don't have time to hang around base chatting with visitors. Occasionally
there is a kind of ranger hut where the ranger does desk work, but they
don't really provide any services to the public there.)

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