On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 12:43 AM, Peter Wendorff

> I didn't read the documentation for the ranger station tag, but from my
> understanding of language (which is often in fact used for tagging in
> the real osm world) a ranger station does not have to be a visitor
> centre and the other way around: a visitor centre does not have to be a
> ranger station.

And not every official building has every service (you may have to visit
the OTHER ranger station for the type of permit you need, for example).

Parks commonly have multi-service official buildings with some combination
of  isitor/exhibit/permit/police/campground/interpretive/wildlife services.

Key questions seem to be:
1) What are these called in various parts of the world?
2) What symbol is used on printed maps?
3) Is the distinction between types sufficiently clear and important to be
4) Is there a better English language generic term other than
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