Am 01.02.2013, 18:52 Uhr, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer <>:

2013/2/1 Masi Master <>:
IMO the riverbank is similar to "landuse, natural or landcover" but explicit
for rivers. The wiki say the same:
Common tagging: type=multipolygon + waterway=riverbank + name=* + ...
New tagging: type=multipolygon + NATURAL=WATER + water=river + name=* + ...

Yes, (currently it seems as if the "new" tagging cannot establish
itself, according to taginfo not even 1% of all rivers mapped as areas
use this scheme)

I think this is because there is no retagging the old style to the new.

Can we split a large lake (or forest) with the same name into several
(Mulit-)Polygons? I think no, because they have all the same name(?), but it
would be nice.

One solution could be a super-relation, that collect the
smaller (sub) relations.

yes, this is also already done (at least with routes), but it creates
new problems, because it might not be clear, which of the tags get
inherited and which don't. Would you only set the name-tag to the
superrelation containing smaller forests, or also the forest-tag? If
you added also the forest tag: wouldn't that duplicate the forest? If
you don't do it, how would you know which tags to inherit from the

A good example is the Lake Constance (de:Bodensee):
The whole Lake contains 3 parts: Untersee, Seerhein and Obersee
The first and last part contains another parts.

In my opinion, we can tag all sub-parts with natural=water and their names. Then, if we don't like to tag natural=water again, we need to put this multipolygon into another, to keep the connection to the object. So the whole lake is a construct of three parts, which contains the other sub-parts. And if the sub-parts (child-parts) all are natural=water, so the whole lake know, it is "water", too.

But, a multipolygon is created by the outer-line, not an area. So areas (like child multipolygons) are not allowed (without changing this piont of view)...

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