2013/2/1 Kytömaa Lauri <lauri.kyto...@aalto.fi>:
> It's a shame somebody ran a bot edit years back to remove
> natural=wood as "redundant" from landuse=forest ways.

+1, fully agree, bots, mechanical edits and imports tend to distort
the usefulness of services like taginfo.

> After clearcutting an area can be both landuse=forest + natural=scrub,
> or even natural=grassland for some years.

ok for scrub, but natural=grassland (another tag I suspect comes
originally from an import of CLC) is about "grassland" which is more
then just grass growing (it is a complex ecosystem). If you cut down a
forest it will usually not become "grassland for some years" and then
forest again, it will remain a cut down forest.


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