Sorry, I didn't want to be rude.

I only want to show an example why those special characters - that
from time to time are suggested - will not work.


2012/10/17 Tobias Johansson <>:
> 2012/10/17 Martin Vonwald <>:
>> 2012/10/17 Tobias Johansson <>:
>>> Since It was your first idea I wanted to tell you my first idea. That
>>> is to let the diveders in the lanes tag represent the lines.
>>> | (solid line)
>>> : (dashed line)
>>> :| (crossable from on side)
>>> turn:lanes=left:through|through|:right   (for example)
>> Seen something similar like this earlier.
> I hadn't
>>> 2 big drawbacks.
>>> 1. The :lanes tag is not "one" tag so there will be inconsistencies.
>> That is the main reason why it will not work. If you use a separate
>> key you don't have this problem. You now might suggest (as done
>> earlier by others) something like this:
>> somekey=|:\|:|
> I would n ot have done this.
>> Can you tell me what this means? No? See the problem?
> This tone certinally does not promote progress so I will leave this
> discussion now.
> Best Regards Tobias
>> Martin
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