Since It was your first idea I wanted to tell you my first idea. That
is to let the diveders in the lanes tag represent the lines.
| (solid line)
: (dashed line)
:| (crossable from on side)
turn:lanes=left:through|through|:right   (for example)

2 big drawbacks.
1. The :lanes tag is not "one" tag so there will be inconsistencies.
2. Not backwards compatible (all lanes tags would be solid lines now I think..)

But if somebody could solve those two, I think it would be a very sleek idea?

Best Regads Tobias

2012/10/17 Martin Vonwald <>:
> Hi!
> Obviously we need some kind of tagging for lane dividers. Initially
> when writing the :lanes proposal I though about reusing the divider
> proposal:
> But this has one serious drawback: if you have a road with four lanes
> you would tag e.g. turn:lanes=left|through|through|right . That's four
> lane-values. But if you want to tag the dividers you would need
> divider:lanes=solid_line|dots|solid_lane . That's three lane-values.
> In my opinion that's not a good idea - I would like to have the same
> number of lane-values for all keys.
> Now (a time ago) I came up with something different: have a look at
> part 3 of the first example:
> *
> Please keep in mind that's just a first idea! What do you think?
> Martin
> * Please ignore the rest of the page. Well maybe except the discussion
> about the destination tags ;-)
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