Hi Tobias,

Am Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2012, 01:56:05 schrieb Tobias Knerr:
> As for examples, I hope the following two will help:
> Example 1:
> type = restriction
> restriction:conditional = no_right_turn @ 08:00-18:00

That sounds like the following might be correct as well (eeeek!):

type = restriction
restriction:conditional = no_right_turn @ (08:00-18:00); only_right_turn @ 

> restriction = only_straight_on
> restriction:psv = none
> Basically, use "Conditional restrictions" syntax on the restriction key
> in the same manner as it would be applied to, say, maxspeed or access.
> A drawback of this approach is the need to invent a value for "no
> restriction" - I've called it "none" for the example above.

Okay, then the following does actually make sense:

restriction=none (probably default)


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