Hi Rob,

(Putting tagging ML back in To since this might be of interest to other people 
as well, I hope you don't mind.)

> On topic: In your suggesttion you proposed "applies = *". What would you do
> with the following:
> * day_on, etc...
> * restriction:hgv, etc
> * except
> Would you suggest deprecating them? Thus a restriction that applies to only
> hgv's becomes:
> restriction = no_u_turn
> applies = no (to switch it off for all transportation modes)
> applies:hgv = yes (to switch it back on for HGVs)

yeah, that's the idea. The implied default would be something like 
"applies=yes, applies:foot=no" so that by default, turn restrictions apply to 
everyone but pedestrians.

The big advantage of using "applies" is that from a language POV it is 
immediately clear what is meant, and that the syntax will be *exactly* the same 
as in Conditional Restrictions.

day_on, … should definitely get deprecated, those tags are an unholy mess: 
people mess up off and on; people interpret them them as both "from day A time 
B to day C time D" and "from time B to time D each day between day A and day C".
except can probably stay, it can easily be translated (except=bus translates to 
applies:bus = no)
restriction:hgv should get deprecated / reverted, someone recently sneaked this 
into the wiki page without any discussion.


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