Am 18.05.2012 um 16:11 schrieb Josh Doe <>:
> While the "Possible misinterpretations" section is great, I think most
> people will find it to be too long and won't read it. I think it might
> belong on a separate page rather than on one tag page or on all (via a
> template).

I would really like to agree with you, but I'm afraid that most people would 
simply ignore/overlook such link. That's why I put it directly into the 
article, but because of its length right at the end.

> I'd suggest prominently linking to it in all affected tag
> pages, but then have a shorter, practical "if this, then that" list
> customized for each tag page.

I think the example photos cover this "if this, then that" list quite well. 
Photos/images are often easier to understand, harder to overlook and understood 
even if someone doesn't speak the language.

> Take a look at my rework of
> highway=turning_circle for how I'd handle it for the other pages:

Like it. I would add a few example photos.

> Note that I also put this section in a template, which you asked to be
> done, and have created a primary page for this to exist at, in case
> the method I used on turning circle is found to be suitable.

Already seen it - thanks.

> That page name is the best I could come up with, if you or others have
> a better one then we can move the page.

It'll do ;-)


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