On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 1:06 PM, Josh Doe <j...@joshdoe.com> wrote:

> Why don't we keep it simple and just use highway=turning_circle and
> turning_circle=island, since it's more akin to a turning_circle than a
> roundabout, and I doubt any data consumers other than rendering
> currently do anything with turning_circles. We could use
> highway=turning_loop also, if people have problems with using a
> dependent key. I suggest rendering this as a turning_circle with a dot
> in the middle, similar to a mini_roundabout but with a larger circle
> (indicating that the area is wider than the roadway with a "turning
> loop", which is not the case with a mini_roundabout).

Imho, if you want to indicate a turning-circle island, it's
micro-mapping : you should better draw the loop geometry instead of
creating a tag for the geometry (in the same way we don't tag
roundabout flares, we draw separate carriageways if we want).
Btw, current wiki description is funny : "place to turn around .. but
it is not a turning circle".


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