2012/5/15 Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>:
> 2012/5/15 Pieren <pier...@gmail.com>:
>> Imho, if you want to indicate a turning-circle island, it's
>> micro-mapping : you should better draw the loop geometry instead of
>> creating a tag for the geometry (in the same way we don't tag
>> roundabout flares, we draw separate carriageways if we want).
> completely agree.

I also agree with you both. But there are a few people who don't. Now
we have two possibilities:
1) We are right, they are not, so we ignore them. Result: bad data just like now
2) Ok, we are right only in such a way, that it should be drawn as
loop in a perfect world, but we are not in a perfect world and
therefore accept that some people don't want to do it this way and we
provide them with some simplification. Result: not perfect, but better
data and - the most important point - consistent data!

I clearly vote for 2)

Now the only issue remaining is: how? Right now I see two solutions:
1) highway=turning_circle and turning_circle=island or traffic_calming=island
2) new tag like e.g. highway=turning_loop

The problem with 1 is that the turning_circle tag gets "polluted"
somehow, as now a turning circle is a place without island, unless
there is an island... this doesn't sound right. And I also bet, that
many people will use highway=turning_circle WITHOUT
turning_circle=island, because it is too much work to add two
Solution 2 needs a new tag. It can't be easier, but we have one more
tag, that can - and will be - confused with the others.

I would really like to get more opinions from the people using
turning_circle right now for places with islands.


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