On 4/14/2011 3:44 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
On 04/14/2011 12:17 PM, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
I wouldn't include bike lanes in the total; one says "a four-lane road
with bike lanes" when there are four general-purpose lanes and two bike

I should be clear, I'm speaking more generally of any restricted lanes.
  Say a street has six lanes, a bike lane and a general access lane in
one direction, a general access lane, an olympic lane, a taxi/bus lane
and a bike lane in the other.  Is that six lanes or two?

I think it gets a little less clear when you have a full-width lane. I'd personally tag http://maps.google.com/maps?aq=&sll=36.603066,-82.182705&sspn=0.001798,0.00515&ll=42.3365,-71.076994&spn=0.013181,0.041199&t=k&z=16&layer=c&cbll=42.336453,-71.076817&panoid=hPiB5OqB2NtKJtObPUZYag&cbp=12,24.8,,0,-1.64 as lanes=2, since there are two continuous through lanes, but I know others would count at least the center left turn lane, so there's really no consensus here.

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