On 04/14/2011 12:17 PM, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
> On 4/14/2011 1:05 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> 2011/4/14 Paul Johnson<ba...@ursamundi.org>:
>>>> lanes=2, oneway=yes
>>>> it's the same as for cars. Otherwise it would be lanes=2, oneway=no
>>> Is lanes=* overall number of lanes (in which the example where there's
>>> two bicycle lanes would be a total of four lanes) or is it lanes open to
>>> all traffic (which would be just two lanes)?
>> lanes is the overall number of lanes that a given way is representing
>> (all directions). If you don't have dedicated ways for the cycleway,
>> it gets more complicated (see the wiki, but probably there is no
>> suggested way to do it).
> I wouldn't include bike lanes in the total; one says "a four-lane road
> with bike lanes" when there are four general-purpose lanes and two bike
> lanes.

I should be clear, I'm speaking more generally of any restricted lanes.
 Say a street has six lanes, a bike lane and a general access lane in
one direction, a general access lane, an olympic lane, a taxi/bus lane
and a bike lane in the other.  Is that six lanes or two?

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