On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 6:53 PM, Eugene Alvin Villar <sea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> A scan through the wikipedia gives me
>> international airport
>> domestic airport
>> regional airport
>> airstrip or airfield
> +1
> Why not adopt the usual subtagging scheme:
> aeroway=aerodrome
> aerodrome=international|regional|domestic|etc.

I have a feeling we discussed this a few months ago. My suggestion
would be to simply use numbers, if you're talking about a ranking


This avoids all the problems we get when one country uses "regional"
to mean something different from another, and the mappers there hate
using "regional" in a way that is non-intuitive to them. Whereas with
numbers, we can simply say "in Timbuktu, regional is a level 2, but in
Germany it's level 3".

Also, I definitely think we should try and align to external standards.


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