At 2010-12-30 23:43, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:
A recent import has highlighted the lack of suitable subtypes of
airport in the tagging schema.
There are some pages of lapsed concepts on the wiki of different
airport subtypes

A scan through the wikipedia gives me
international airport
domestic airport
regional airport
airstrip or airfield

IMO, a single categorization would be a poor choice. Maybe the ICAO or IATA or individual countries' aviation authority have defined categories for these things but I doubt people know them, and any attempt to tag consistently would surely prove futile.

I would suggest, instead, listing facilities and services available, much like we tag gas/petrol/fuel stations, e.g. fuels, repair, oxygen, customs/immigration, etc. This is the approach used in the US FAA's Airport Facilities Directory (which could be a decent source of import data if someone would like to work on it).

Alan Mintz <>

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