As a new tagger, I look to Map Features to see what tags were supported by
the community, not to see the most common tags.  When I want to know the
most commonly used tags, I use some automated tool like taginfo or tagstat.

We are wrestling with a presentation issue and clearly a single wiki page
for Map Features isn't working.  I can easily imagine some people wanting to
view the features by the number of occurrences, the number of different
users who have used it, the number of different countries it's used in, and
the last time it was used.  I don't know if the current wiki engine will
support such dynamic display but I doubt it.

Being new I don't know of any previous efforts to develop some application
to manage the community supported tags.  Has there been any?


On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 00:43, Peter Körner <> wrote:

> Am 13.10.2010 09:31, schrieb Matthias Meißer:
>  For this proposal IMHO the users who removed the proposal should be
>> notified and the author should be allowed to add his new feature to the
>> map features page. He fullfilled all requirements with his proposal
> I contacted him and we're still in a very interesting discussion. His
> opinion is, that the map-features should list the *most common used*
> features and it's clear that with 500 uses, craft does not fall into this
> category. So I can accept this tag not being listed on map-features but
> findable via a the search. This is a definition problem of what should be on
> the map-features page.
> Peter
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