The voting process may not be representative, but I believe it is the best
approach for defining a new tag that OSM currently has.
- at least there is some discussion and some documentation
- interested people have one place to look for new tags and join the

I think that just going for raw usage numbers falls a little short of
reality - the fastest way to establish a new tag then is a bot or a mass
import. The second fastest approach is adding it to the presets of a popular
editor, which still does not require any discussion or documentation.
Currently I am not aware of any documented decision process that would take
the number of individual users adopting the tag or the time it has been used
into account. 

Considering the reversal of the crafts entry, I consider the changes of
Jonobennett very questionable as with his next edit on MapFeatures he
completely removed several established main tags, e.g. barrier which is used
over 100000 times in Germany alone.


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