Am 17.09.2010 02:21, schrieb M∡rtin Koppenhoefer:
I'd say that the mailing list is somehow more important, but the forum
people might think the same. For me that's not a problem, and who
wants can read the ml online in forum style;-)
Therefore I suggest the wiki as 'neutral' plattform that allows everybody to monitor changes and to do colloborate work (even if its bad for discussion that has to take place somewhere else)

Am 17.09.2010 02:29, schrieb John Smith:
> This is a chicken and egg problem, should people document first and
> then discuss, or discuss first then document based on the out come of
> the discussion.
Both is fine but there we have the problem how others get notified. So as said I would preffer a non ML sollution as you would preffer a non forums solution :) So first place can be wiki?


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