2010/9/16 John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>:
> Regardless of descriptions, do you agree that there is disputes over
> the key/value pairs?

yes, and this would be the same with numbers, shifted to the
descriptions, and there would be the same disputes for the
descriptions, especially if they are changing dynamically.

> ...there are people involved in each that don't seem to
be cross communicating with each other...

I'd say that the mailing list is somehow more important, but the forum
people might think the same. For me that's not a problem, and who
wants can read the ml online in forum style ;-)

> So far all you have done is criticised and condemned, if those
> suggestions are flawed how about you propose a workable solution,
> otherwise the status quo will continue which you also seem completely
> unhappy with.

I think we are still in a stadium where too much bureaucracy hurts
more then it might be useful to prevent chaos changes.

So I am pro "wiki fiddling" to add new details to existing tags and
also to document new tag definitions of tags that are actually in use.

But a minimum of coordination would not be wrong. I'd suggest that
every new tag that is introduced to the wiki is announced on the
tagging-maillinglist and that a new mailing list tagging-talk is
created for the discussions (what now is tagging).

There are more than 300,000 registered users, but only 12,000
contribute in a month, and of those just a part is following the
mailing list or forum, but for tagging in the end you'll find just a
handful of people interested in discussion.


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