On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 21:52, Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 6:28 AM, Sean Horgan <seanhor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > social_facility=emergency_shelter (a shelter for homeless people e.g. in
> > case of a disaster)
> The description there looks horribly confusing to me. The words
> "homeless shelter" leap off the page, even though that's not what it's
> describing.
Agreed, this description didn't work and that's what we're clearing up.  In
fact I believe kerosin just removed that from the social_facility proposal


> > social_facility=emergency
> That tag strikes me as not intuitive - you need an accompanying
> description to have any idea what it's describing.

There is a clear distinct between homeless people during normal times and
those who do not have homes during a disaster.  The Humanitarian OSM tags
refers to the latter group as Internally Displaced Peoples (IDPs).  Having
thought about it some more, I don't think we should include emergency
facilities into a social facilities feature as they serve different
populations at different times.

Here is an example of how a homeless shelter feature could be defined:

+ social_facility=shelter
+ social_facility:for=homeless
+ name=Loaves and Fishes Dining Room
+ operator=Sacramento Loaves and Fishes
+ wheelchair=yes
+ opening hours=24/7
+Addr:Street=1321 North C Street

A newbie question I have goes beyond the definition of social_facility and
into capturing more specific information about a homeless shelter, such as
specific programs they provide (e.g. veterans, jail visitation, job
training).  Would it be appropriate to introduce a separate homeless_shelter
tag for that purpose?

Thanks for the help.


> That's my first glance reaction, which is worth what you paid for it.
> Steve
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