I'd like to get some feedback from the community on possible inclusion of "emergency shelter" in a "social facility" feature. I was discussing this with the author of that proposal, kerosin, as I'd like to fold the Homeless Shelter proposal into Social Facility.
After just a little research, the Humanitarian OSM tags came up and I want to make that whatever we propose is in line with those goals. Thanks, Sean ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Sean Horgan <seanhor...@gmail.com> Date: Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 14:28 Subject: Re: [OpenStreetMap] Re: Re: Re: Re: social facility To: kerosin <m-132381-148...@messages.openstreetmap.org> While I don't want to over-complicate this proposal, the inclusion of emergency raises more questions. The use-case I'm thinking about for emergencies covers shelters for disasters as well as vaccination clinics or distribution of aid. Some of this is covered in the Humanitarian OSM tags: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Humanitarian_OSM_Tags/Humanitarian_Data_Model#Health_Facility An emergency shelter would be covered under Internally Displaced People (IDP) camp site, e.g. idp:camp_condition=building A vaccination clinic, for something like smallpox would be: health_facility:type<http://w/index.php?title=Key:health_facility:type&action=edit&redlink=1> =dispensary<http://w/index.php?title=Tag:health_facility:type%3Ddispensary&action=edit&redlink=1> I didn't see anything in there there for distribution of food or other aid like building supplies. >From your wiki proposal, I would change this: social_facility=emergency_shelter (a shelter for homeless people e.g. in case of a disaster) to just social_facility=emergency We could then use the Humanitarian tags to describe the feature in more detail. Would this be the right way to approach this? Sean
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